for few years I had online various websites using a database structure encrypting both the structure and the data, so that neither the hosting nor the DBA can see the logic or the data structure (and, of course, the data content)
it was written in (obfuscated) PHP, and implemented as a data layer on MySQL
the concept arised from observing that, in late 1980s, when building DSS (decision support system) models, often the issue was that the data administrator had no access to the data content, but in models, the data structure was revealing the logic of the model
using hosting providers, this was complicated by some instances when the provider also offered consulting services- and more than a colleague reported quarrels with providers' employees "lifting" ideas for their own sites, from both the PHP code and the MySQL data structure
I am currently thinking either of cleaning it up and open sourcing on my website (I had tested it few years ago with a community of users scattered worldwide, building on top of it a PHP-based "news dashboard" and messaging system), or developing it into an application framework
as I said- the basic logic is making it portable, hiding the data structure by having "data constructs", and having the data encrypted not by just using the local "crypt" functions, but a combination of external and user-side+user-provided keys
I wrote "polish it", because, despite being since my early programming days (sold the first visual program while in high school) addicted to comments in code, I would prefer to clean the code and add proper documentation
The system had its own streamlined version of XML embedded, I called it "associative encrypted database", and I had designed a version to use the vectorial facility inside the Playstation2 to create a faster version, but I never had the time to prototype the Playstation Linux version
I first developed a complete structure (offline) in 1990s, for a knowledge distribution application, and then moved it online in early 2000s (currently it is not online)
do you know if there is any similar system used?
I would hate to post outside yet another re-invention of the wheel

I would prefer to convert it into a service layer if something database-independent delivering the basic services is already available
If you have any links, let me know

And, if I will decide to go the open source way, I will post a link here