If you know of any book or article pre 1900 that is not on the list below I'd be glad to hear of it - or if you can clarify any of the question marks -
A list of works on or including cryptography -
9th cent. various Arab manuscripts - Al-kind
400 Kama Sutra
1250 circa Epistle on the Secret Works of Art and the Nullity of Magic – Roger Bacon
1312-1361 Miftah Al-kunuz ft Idah by Ad-duraihim
1379 a collection of ciphers – Gabriele de Lavinde
1392 The Equatorie of the Planetis - Geoffrey Chaucer
1401 no Title .. work at Mantua – Simeone de Crema see 1593
1412 Encyclopedia Subh Al-a’sua by Al-qalq ahandi (copies above 1312-1361)
1470 Trattati in cifra - Leone Battista Alberti
1474 Regulae ad extrahendum litteras zifferatas sine exemplo - Sicco Simonetta - Regeles (in ‘Ecole des Chartes’ t.51. 1890)
1518 Polygraphiae - Io. Tritheim
1526 Opus Novum – Jacopi Silvestri
1540 Libro nvova d'imparare a scrivere ... Con vn breue et vtile trattato de le cifere. - Giovanni Battista Palatino
1548 Steganographie – Johannes Trithemius
1550 De subtilitate libri XXI - Girolamo Cardano
1553 La Cifra del. sig. Giovan Batista Belaso/Bellaso
1555 Novi et Singolar Modi de Cifrare – Giovan Battista Belaso
1556 De rerum varietate libri XVII- Girolamo Cardano
1558 Magiae natvralis libri XX (Book XVI) - Ioan Baptista Porta


1560 Della Nvova Inventione della vera scienza delle cifre – Piccolomini Fedeli
1563 De Furtis Literarum Notis Vvlgo de Zifris – ioan. Baptista Porta
1564 Il Vero Modo di Scrivere in Cifra - Giovan Battista Bellaso
1565 Ware the Hawke – Skelton
1568 Opuscoli Morali – Leon Battista Alberti (trans. dello Scrivere in Cifra 1994)

? De Cifris or De Compendis Cifris or ‘La cifra di Leon Battista Alberti’) ?? see 1470??
1576 curious book of devotions England whole of middle of book written in cipher ??
1586 Traicte des Chiffres – Blaise de Vigenere
1588 Compendio del gran volvume – Dim. Gio. Battista Palatino?
1588 An Arte of Shorte, Swifte and Secret Writing by Character – Bright Timothy
1593 Scotografia opera di Abram Colorni heb:mant: (?hebrew mantua see 1401
1594 The Jewell House of Art and Nature, containing divers rare and profitable Inventions... (part 5) - Sir Hugh Platt
1600 Steganologia et Steganographia ….aucta – Daniel Scwenter (SUNDE)
1602 Art main entry …Steganographie appdx secret writing
1602 De Furtis Literarum Notis – ioan. Baptista Porta
1605 Proficience and Advancement of Learning Divine and Humane (bk V)- Francis Bacon
1606 Cavis generalis triplex in libris Steganographicos – Ioannis Tritheim
1609 Decas fabularum human generic sortem – Joannem Walchium
1620 Steganologia et Steganographia…nova–Daniel Scwenter (HANEDI)
1624 Cryptomenytices et Cryptographiae libre IX – Selenus (Augustus II duke of Brunswick)
1638 The Man in the Moone – Bishop Francis Godwin
1641 Mercury: or the secret and swift messenger – Wilkins John
1644 Lord Digbies design to betray Abingdon – Browne Richard
1647 Literature Infelicitate – Cornelium Joannis
1650 Steganographie – Drapier Francois
1655 The Compleat Ambassador – Sir Dudley Digges London various ciphers appear in some of the corres. collected in-
1657 Le Charactre Universel – Cave Beck M.A.
1657 Aphorismes d’Astrologie de Ptolomie, Hermes, - Cardano Girolamo
1658 Natural Magick – Porta Giovani Baptista
1659 A True and Faithful relation of … some spirits – John Dee
1659 Steganographie and Cryptographie or the arts of secret – Noah Bridges?
1660 ‘In a new method of Cryptography’ – Samuel Morlandus (cited by Fabricus 1760)
1661 Steganographicum – Becher Johann Joachim
1662 L’oevvre des oevvre, …steganographiques – M. iean Belot
1663 The Cabala (the compiler of a similar collection of letters Cabala; Sive; Scrinia Sacra. mysteries of state and governments in letters …London 1654
1663 Polygraphia – Athanasii Kircheri
1665 Rarities; or the incomparable curiosities in secret writing explained – Noah Bridges
1665 Schola steganographia – Gasoaris Schotti
1670 Traite des chiffres – de Vigenere Blaise
1670 Prodromo all'Arte Maestra.- Francesco Lana Terzi
1671 (1655) Witts Interpreter – Witt C.I. (55ed.)
1681 cipher diary of John Powell alias Arthur Corbet alias Shottowe
1683 An account of the secret services of M. de Vernay – a Polish Lord
1685 Cryptomenysis patefactas; or the art of secret information disclosed pp.180 – Falconer John
1685 Decimal Arithmetick – Cocker
1690 L’art d’ecrire et de Parleroccultement et sans soupcon - Comiers
1691 Traite de la Parole, langues, et ecritures..steg.. – Claude Comiers d’Ambrun
1692 Rules for explaining & deciphering .. secret.. – Falconer (eer) John (same as cryptomenysis)
1699 Opera Miscellanea – John Wallis
1721 Trithemi Steganographia – W.G. Heidel
1737 Essay on the art of deciphering 4to. - John Wallis ?? ‘Discourse’ (Davys John 1737 p12)??
1738 Bibliotheca Universal de la Polygraphia Espanol – Rodriguez Crystobal
1741 Cordonnier de Saint Hyacinthe ‘Dissertation Critique’
1745 A natural history of Nevis..with an intr to the art of deciphering in eleven letters Camb. 8 vo.
1751 Steganometrographia – Uken Melchias
1752 Seltene Geheimnusse steganographie – Herber Sidney
1762 Cryptography, or a new essay, …. shorthand etc.? Swaine & Sims 8vo.
1772 Cyphers – Thicknesse Philip
1773 A treatise on the art of decyphering ….. 8vo
1774 Tracts of Thomas Urquhart (1340 d.7 not in here)
1774 Rational Recreations – W. Hooper
1802 Wilkins J. ‘Mercury’ 1641 (and in ‘works’ vol ii 1802)
1806 Ancient Alphabets – Hammer
1808 Poligrafia, o Arete de Escribir en Cifra de Diferewnter Modos – Francisco de Paula Marti
1809 An extract from Dr Rees’s New Cyclopedia – Gage M.
1809 Kryptographic lehrbuch der gehemshrei bekunst – Johann Klubers
1819 Rees’s Cyclopedia
1825 Tracts (27) includes a treatise upon Arcanography or a new method of secret writing – William Henry Rochfort 1836
1830 Physiologie du Mariage – Balzac
1831 Life of Newton 2nd volume – Brewster
1834 Ars Signorum – Dalgarno George
1835 Ebpob es byo Utlub.. – order of the Altar
1836 see 1825
1837 fictitious letter – Queen Victoria
1840 1848 1857 La Cryptographie devoilee – Vesin de Romanini
1840 Bible key to the Hieratic cipher of holy scriptures – Richard Saumarez
1850 Kryptographischen – Sigimund II
1850 Mysteries of Vestra
1856 Romance of Advertising Lond Kent part ii pp68-81 ‘Times Ciphers 1852-54
1858 Les Secrets P. Lacroix
1863 Die geheimschriffen und die dechiffrir – Kunst (secret writing & the art of deciphering) – Friedrich Wilhelm Kasiski
1870 ? Postal Cryptograms L.C. Leslie london
1879 C. Wheatstone scientific papers
1881 Handbuch der Kryptographie – B. Fleissner von Wostrowitz
1883 La Cryptographie militaire – Kerckoff Aug.
1883 Alt. Geheimschrift d. Slaven E. Katuzniacki
1883 Cryptography, a System of Secret Writing - Beaufort
1885 La Cryptographie et ses applications a L’art militaire – H. Josse
1890 Les regles de Cicco Simonetta pour le dechiffrement de 1474 – Perret Paul Michel see 1474 Simonetta (C.) Regeles (in ‘Ecole des Chartes’ t.51. 1890)
1893 Chiffres Bazieres – Bazeries E.
1893 Cryptographie – Valero P.
1894 Cupids Code – Bury George
1898 Cryptography: or the history, and practice, of cipher writing – F.E. Hulme

? Works of Dr John Wallis vol iii p.659

? Guide to Diplomatique p.576 also given as Cours Diplomatique

? Cryptographia, being the description of an ancient game – Francis Barocci trans by Selenus (Augustus duke Brunswick)

? A new book of ciphers of single & double letters .. 8vo – John Davys

? Cryptography (in works) – E.A. Poe

? pamphlet? ‘Nuntius Inanimatus’ – Francis Godwin (Domingo Gonsales)
American Catholic Quarterly Review 1893 p858
Chambers Journal 1 sep 1855 15 March 1856 p.135 p.175 No.116 ‘Cryptograms’ short essay & p.205 ‘Wheatstone’ - No. 87 1855 ‘Cryptographs’ - No. 506 2nd series ( ‘Secrets Exposed’) - 1866 p193 FIDE FEDE – 1867 p.70
Cornhill Magazine ‘Missives in Masquerade’ vol. 29 Feb 1874
Gentlemens Magazine 1900 vol. 289 p.365 article by G.E. Mosey
Harpers New Monthly mag. European edition 36 Jun-Nov 1898
Macmilans magazine Feb 1871 pp328-38
Mathematical Monthly Vol. I March 1859 No.VI Holocryptic cipher
Notes & Queries - various
Pall Mall Magazine (secrets in Cipher) Schooling J.H. 4 parts Jan-Apr 1896
Photographic News 1866
The Sidereal Messenger Vol.4 No.6 Aug 1885 p.161