Aerobush Entertainment

Dream #12 - Bouba And Kiki

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I dreamt that there world was a lot more futuristic than it is now. On a regular basis, we would plug ourselves into machines that would extend our lifespan by asking us questions about our current personality and cloning a "healthy" version of ourselves that we would inhabit while our old body gets recycled. The machinery had some unusual quirks, however, that were not of human origin...

There were two alien species that had transcended their original plane of existence, but they both wanted a say in the evolution that happened on Earth. They both had different strategies they wanted to try. One (Bouba) was largely low-to-no interference, guiding souls by having them fill out a questionnaire before birth and making them retry if they picked the "wrong" answers. If a soul kept picking the answers that did not satisfy them, those souls were left to the hands of the other species (Kiki), which basically let them pick whatever but would constantly meddle in the lives of those souls to affect or influence their life choices. These two alien forces were perceived by human cultures in many different ways, with the second species usually having a bad reputation. In the end, both of them wanted stability and growth.

As civilization advanced, however, it became increasingly hard for Bouba to "predetermine" how someone's life would go based on their initial selection. So they cheated a little, influencing a major human invention designed to prolong life, regularly reinforcing the "correct" life choices for a given soul. Kiki, on the other hand, was hell-bent on making the creatures and environment of human-inhabited planets as resilient as possible. They theorized that if humanity were to reincarnate as different creatures periodically, those souls would gain perspective and naturally want to preserve their home better as they evolved new capabilities. Their variation on the invention was to determine where would be the best fit for each soul based on predisposition, whether it be another human journey or an animal one. They would also carefully select which part of the world to put the reincarnated soul.

Some of us grew extremely savvy that something strange was going on, however. We formed an alliance of scientists and thinkers that didn't quite fit with the dominant power of a given age, and made an effort to retain all the knowledge we could, especially between lives. This was monumentally difficult, but could be done, in a similar way to lucid dreaming. Some of us managed to find ways to detect objects and beings from another plane of existence, while others of us excelled at memory and ability retention in order to send signals to the rest. One time, I got reincarnated as a bunny, and after an initial period of weaning off of my mother, managed to eke out a signal from the nose of an alien ship that I got trapped on. Bouba and Kiki were getting a lot more aggressive in proving who had the better vision, and they had started abducting those of us who didn't quite fit their goals. But, in a way, they were both right. They had evolved us to the point where we didn't need them as much and could fend for ourselves, but now it was our turn to prove that to them.

To be continued...?

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